As part of our continuing celebration of our 25th Anniversary, we are hosting an Iconography lecture/retreat by the Very Reverend Andrew Tregubov, at All Saints of America on Saturday, May 16th from 1-4 PM followed by Great Vespers. Fr Tregubov has written/painted 16 icons for our church in the traditional egg tempera technique. He hopes to be bringing that day, our newest icon "Christ Pantocrator", an 8 foot icon that will be installed onto the ceiling of the church. Reservations are not necessary, but appreciated. Please leave a message at 860-824-1340 if you plan to attend.
Andrew Tregubov was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1951, is an Orthodox Christian priest in New Hampshire and also a specific kind of artist, called an iconographer. Iconographers create the Holy Images that can be found in the interior of Orthodox Christian churches and homes throughout the world. He is a graduate of St. Vladimir's Seminary in NY. While there, he began to focus on the mystical and philosophical Christian teachings revealed in the sacred art of the Holy Icon. To learn the ancient egg tempera technique in which the icons are traditionally painted, he trained with several of the finest iconographers in Paris, France. In 1979 he made a personal discovery of the work of 20th century iconographer, monk Gregory Kroug, and later, in 1990, after receiving a grant from the Russian Social fund of Solzhenitsyn, wrote the book The Light of Christ, Iconography of Gregory Kroug.
Since the late 70s, Fr Andrew, in addition to being a parish priest, has continualy worked as a professional iconographer, receiving commissions from individuals and church communities all over the U.S. His larger projects include, among others, All Saints of America Orthodox Church in Salisbury, CT. Fr Andrew has thus far, completed 16 original icons for the church, and on May 16th he will be bringing the 17th: an eight foot circular icon of "Christ Panocrator", commissioned by the church in anticipation of its 25th anniversary celebration this year on June 13-14. Artists and participants will have the opportunity to see the new icon up close on May 16th, before it is installed on the curved ceiling of the church.