All Saints of America Orthodox Church
313 Twin Lakes Road, Salisbury, Connecticut
PO Box 45, Salisbury, CT 06068-0045
Blessing of Motorcycles and Bicycles 7/1/18

Blessing of Bikes 2018 - 07/01/2018

Motorcycles and bicycles were blessed following Divine Liturgy and all enjoyed our church picnic.

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Arch pastoral visit to celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saints

Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Nikon - 06/10/2018

His Eminence Archbishop Nikon and Priests and guests of our Deanery on a pilgrimage to All Saints of America to celebrate the Feast of our Patron Saints

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Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop NIKON - 06/11/2017

Heirarchal Divine Liturgy with visiting Archbishop Nikon, 

the tonsuring of Gavin (Ignatius) as a reader, 

blessing of graduates,

and the 3rd annual Blessing of Motorcycles (22 bikes this year)


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Pentecost at All Saints of America Orthodox Church - 06/05/2017

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Vespers of Pascha 2017 - 04/16/2017

Vespers of Pascha with gospel readings in many languages, followed by Easter Egg Hunt

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Great and Holy Saturday - 04/22/2017

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Great and Holy Friday 2017 - 04/14/2017

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Great and Holy Thursday 2016 - 04/13/2017

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Palm Sunday 2016 - 04/09/2017

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Fr John giving a Children's sermon

Veneration of the Cross 2017 - 03/19/2017

Veneration of the Cross: Father John giving a Children's Sermon.

Yellow cross was created by the children of All Saints of America Orthodox Church in Salisbury, CT.

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Blessing of the Lake 2017

Blessing of the Lake - 01/08/2017

Procession and Blessing of the Lake

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Christmas Pageant 2016

Christmas Pageant 2016 - 12/18/2016

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Celebrating St Nicholas Day - 12/11/2016

A visit from St Nicholas

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Clothing Give-away 2016 - 08/13/2016

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Summer holidays and Blessings

June 12: Blessing of Vehicles

Aug 7: Transfiguration of the Lord

Aug15: Dormition of The Theotokos

Aug 21: Blessing of Students and Teachers returning to school

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Archpastoral Visit of Bishop Nikon May 2016 - 05/15/2016

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Nocturns, Procession, Matins, and Liturgy of Pascha 2016 - 04/30/2016

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Great and Holy Friday 2016 - 04/29/2016

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Great and Holy Thursday 2016 - 04/28/2016

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Palm Sunday 2016 - 04/24/2016

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Celebrating Theophany: Blessing of East Twin Lake 2016

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Christmas Pageant 2015 - 12/20/2015

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Celebrating Saint Nicholas Day - 12/06/2015

A wonderful day with so many children celebrating with us!

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Lighting the Advent Wreath - 11/22/2015

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Relics of the New Martyr Elizabeth

Relics of the New Martyr Elizabeth

We were truly Blessed to have the relics of St. Elizabeth in our presence for the month of November 2015.  As a final event in our year of celebrating our first 25 years, the OCA has allowed us to borrow her relics for our veneration.  Her relic were placed in our altar table during the consecration of our church.

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Newest icons completed by Iconographer, Fr Andrew

Newest Icons by Iconographer, Fr Andrew

The icons house the relics of these saints

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Celebration of the Feast: Elevation of the Cross - 09/13/2015

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Family Clothing Drive - Summer 2015 - 08/22/2015

Clothing, food, and school supplies were offered to all.

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Blessing of Vehicles 2015 - 07/12/2015

Cars and motorcycles were welcomed to our parish to be blessed.  

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Celebrating 25 Years at All Saints of America Orthodox Church - 06/14/2015

Sharing special moments from our 25th Anniversary weekend:

Archbishop Nikon, Archbishop of Boston, New England, and the Albanian Archdiocese presided

Father John Kreta, Priest-in-Charge of All Saints of America received a gift from Bishop Nikon

Highlights of Divine Liturgy, including greeting and dressing of the Bishop

Honoring the founders of our church, those graduating this year, and others

Anniversary Luncheon with remarks from Father John Kreta, Archbishop Nikon, Fr Nicholas Timpko (former Dean and Chancellor), Fr David Koles, Dean of Connecticut Deanery, and William Bryce (President of All Saints)


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The Raising of our newest Icon, The Lord Jesus Christ - 06/02/2015

Our newest icon, written/painted by the Very Reverend Andrew Tregubov, was installed by several dedicated parishioners of the church!  And, just in time for our 25th Anniversary celebration on Sunday, June 14, 2015!

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Nocturns, Procession, and Liturgy of Pascha, April 11-12

Nocturns, Procession, and Liturgy of Pascha - 04/11/2015

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Good Friday - 04/10/2015

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Palm Sunday 2015 - 04/05/2015

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Pysanky Egg Decorating Workshop

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Mission Vespers - 03/22/2015

Brothers and sisters throughout the Deanery were hosted at All Saints of America for mission vespers.

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Adoration of the Cross - 03/15/2015

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St Elizabeth, the New Martyr - 02/01/2015

Blessing of icon donated by the Radley family

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Blessing of the Lake 2015 - 01/11/2015

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Winter Clothing Drive - 11/08/2014

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Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Nikon - 10/05/2014

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Prayers and Blessing for Students and Teachers returning to school - 09/07/2014

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The Churching of George Radley - 07/20/2014

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Blessing of the Lake 2014 - 01/05/2014

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Archpastoral Visit of Archbishop Nikon - 09/08/2013

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Clothing Drive, August 2013 - 08/31/2013

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Palm Sunday 2013 - 04/28/2013

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Mission Vespers at All Saints of America - 04/14/2013

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Sunday of Orthodoxy 2013 - 03/24/2013

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Blessing of the Water 2013 - 01/20/2013

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Blessing of the Lake 2013 - 01/06/2013

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Saint Nicholas 2012 - 12/09/2012

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Parish Children Learn about St. Herman - 08/12/2012

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Blessing of the New Sign - 07/29/2012

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Holy Week and Pascha 2012 - 04/15/2012

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The Churching of Alexander C. - 12/04/2011

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Mitchell Farewell - 06/26/2011

On Sunday, June 26, 2011, we bade farewell to the Mitchell family, who will be dearly missed, and Fr. John presented them with an icon of All Saints of America.

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Christmas Pagaent - 2010 - 12/04/2010

Thank you to all who made our Christmas pageant such a beautiful, joyous and edifying event.

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Altar Servers Retreat 2010

Altar Servers Retreat 2010 - 10/16/2010

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Colin William's Baptism

The Baptism of Colin William - 10/09/2010

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Open House

All Saints of America Open House

On Saturday, July 31,2010, All Saints hosted an open house in celebration of it's 20 Anniversary. Fr. Vladimir and Matushka Susanne Aleandro gave an inspiring presentation on thier missionary trip to Kenya, and Matushka Evelyn Kreta, gave an beautiful presentation on the Icons in our Church

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Installing of Icon over the Altar

Our new Icon

On June 22-24, Fr. Andrew came to install our new Icon over the Altar.

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New Sidewalks at Church

New Sidewalks at All Saints of America

The week of June 14-19 saw the ripping up of our old sidewalk, and the pouring of new sidewalks to the handicapp ramp and all the way to the restroom.

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Archpastoral Visit of Bishop NIKON

Divine Liturgy

On Sunday, His Grace Bishop Nikon celebrated the Divine Liturgy with the Faithful of All Saints of America. This was the 20th anniversary of our Mission Parish.

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Archpastoral Visit of Bishop NIKON

Bishop Visits with the Parish Youth

On Saturday evening after Vespers, His Grace meet with the youth of the parish, to meet and answer all of their questions.

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Baptism of Ryan Michael Lewis

Baptism of Ryan Micheal Lewis - 05/01/2010

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Bright Monday Liturgy

Bright Monday

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Paschal Vespers

Vespers of Pascha

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Great and Holy Saturday

Great and Holy Saturday

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Great and Holy Friday

Great and Holy Friday

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Palm Sunday 2010

Palm Sunday - 04/28/2024

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Blessing of the Lake

Blessing of Twin Lakes - 01/10/2010

Although we woke up to 0 degrees, as we processed to the lake in the cold, God's mercy was abundantly clear. The sun warmed our bodies, the beauty of God's creation of lake,sky and mountains warmed our hearts and the prayers of Blessing warmed our souls.

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Holy Week and Pascha - 2009


We were able to celebrate all of Holy Week services in our newly rennovated Church. The services, choir and new additions were truly inspiring to all.

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Chrismation and Baptism of the Radley Family - Holy Saturday

Baptism of Tekla and Chrismation of Her Family

On Holy Saturday one month old Tekla was baptised and along with her father Paul, mother Julia, sister Linnaea Mary and brother Paul chrismated.

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Baptism of Chloe Stevens

Baptism of Chloe Stevens

Photos by Stephanie Stanton

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Renovations 3-15-09

Renovations 3-15-09

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Renovation Update 3-4-09
Facing the Altar
Facing the Altar
Facing the Altar
Back of Church
Back of Church
Back of Church
Behind the Altar
Behind the Altar
Behind the Altar
Facing Back
Facing Back
Facing Back
Updated Renovation Photos

Updated Renovation Photos

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Church Renovations

Church Renovations

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Church Picnic
Baptism of Magdalena Grace
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